We’re losing our ability to listen. This potential crisis threatens our relationships with our customers, organizations, families and entire nations. Here’s what we can do about it. This skill, among the most important we as humans possess, is getting drowned out from all sides: Increasing noise levels, myriad distractions, shorter attention spans and more people who just want to hear themselves talk.

It would almost be comical if it weren’t so serious. Indeed, wars have been waged, business deals destroyed and relationships ruined simply because the parties didn’t listen to each other.


Neodymium Magnet can shine with Axtell headsets

Neodymium magnet works best when it can clearly hear what you’re saying. Getting the right headset is one of the easiest ways to make sure it does.

Neodymium magnets are superior to other type of permanent magnets because they provide equal amount of magnetic strength in lesser size as compared to other type of magnets. Also, their retention capacity of the magnetic field is much better than conventional ferric magnets.

The magnetic field generated by these magnets is very less and not threatening to human health, but still it’s not advisable to wear your headphones for prolonged hours regularly.
